Thursday, February 16, 2012


What is a Valenbirthday you ask?  Well it is when it is Valentines Day, and also my birthday! :)  Mhm, Valentines Baby right here. Yes it is kind of awesome, and kind of not at the same time.

But yes, you are here for photos! So here they are :)

For breakfast we had crepes and since I had cake at my party a few days earlier, we put the 24 candles (Yes! A whole pack of candles!!) into this donut that I made :)

& I am so happy I was able to do a few Valentines shoots for others, I had so much fun with the little details and sharing this holiday. Valentines day seems to be such a controversial day, I'm glad to say that I have been pretty happy about it most my life. Being my birthday, I've always tried to make it a good one. & true, not everyone can always have a sweetheart on V-day, but it's good to take time out for those you love, care about, and those who are in your heart.   

Friday, February 3, 2012

Those "secret photos"

Sometimes I take pictures that I immediately  fall in love with, and I am so crazy about them, I'm afraid to post them online so that no one else steals them. Silly? Maybe. But sometimes the camera, myself and whatever I'm shooting, just make it work. The above photo was taken a bit before one of these amazing shots was taken. I found a photo challenge online and for todays, it was "hands". So I grabbed my brother real quick and took about 20 photos of them, and a handful of them are super.

The bokeh, the light around his hand, love it!