Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Random thought, the title to this post just reminded me of the Cranberries- Zombie, good song.

But onto non randomness...

The weather has been so back and forth, sunny, rainy, warm, blustery. This doesn't always work well for me and planning shoots. Which is a major pain. ( How I met your mother reference anyone?)  So I've just noticed, maybe I shouldn't try to blog right now, Wednesdays are long days for me consiting of mulitple cups of coffee starting at 6am. & I'm not a morning person.  Thus making me into a zombie.  

Lets just get to the photos real quick before I go off on some other random path :)

These maternity photos were really fun and even though the sun wasn't out, I'm glad on the location we decided on to help lend in some variety. 
New life is amazing. I can't imagine the stress of becoming a mom, but it's rewards are obvious.

 This photo I was almost going to keep to myself but it's too awesome. I'm sure I'll get it printed up in a bigger size.

Tulips at Roozengaarde in Mt Vernon.